Catching up with some photos from the weekend, so expecting another update by the end of the week with more work done on the roof.
Knowing the house design like the back of my hand it's easy for me to see how things are going to look, but as the structure begins to take shape I thought it would be good to take a look back at the architects designs.
Before we get to the images though, thanks to all the new subscribers in the past week. Good to know you haven't escaped our updates!
For all you Instagrammers you can see some decent photos of the area and the people we'll be living with on our Instagram page.
So how are we looking? The frame of the roof is looking a little more sturdy from the last update and work will be moving ahead this week.
This is the view of the front of the house.. I guess I should also say the main entrance and car park will be at the back, leaving a nice clear view. In a year from now the place this photo is taken from should be full of the lush greenery of a tropical garden.
The final design isn't exactly as it looks on the right but its near enough. The living room is straight ahead with the kitchen on the left. The balcony hasn't been started yet, at the front or round the side, and in total that will add around 50% to the total floor space.
The next set is taken across to the right, and that gives a view of the main bedroom. It's got its own private balcony which looks out to the east, and sunrise. I'll either be out in the garden/farm at sun rise or more likely, having a coffee on my balcony.
Thai family life also doesn't allow for much 'me time' to read or write blog posts, so I expect I will use this balcony a lot to get some relief from the madding crowd. In the first few months our house is going to be very busy with visitors from the village, I expect.
The angle isn't exact, but hopefully you get the idea. The render is more from the south-east while the photo is closer to east. The view to the other side let you see the sunset view, with our One Tree in the background.
The west side balcony is going to be the most frequently used space. We're hoping to add a 3 metre long dining table with chairs and benches, and we're pretty sure this will become a popular haunt for many. Evening meals will look out to the sunset and I feel a familiarity with that already!
As I said, the balcony hasn't been added yet but for context it's about 27 sq m - some apartments in Bangkok are not much more than that, so we're looking forward to having that space. What you can see in the framework on the left is the kitchen, with its long window looking south - a good view while cooking and working in the kitchen.
Don't be shy. Feel free to comment or like what you see so we get the instant gratification we all need from today's Internet ;)
Thanks for reading!